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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeologyAeginaPreistoria e protostoria
Overview on food and nutrition in Mycenaean Greece. Published version of my Ph. D. thesis from 2002.
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      History Of Food ConsumptionMycenaean era archaeologyAncient Greek HistoryHistory of Food
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)
Sanctuaries in Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Greece appear to have property which they manage. This means that they are not merely ideological institutions, but also command financial power and resources, an important conclusion for the... more
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      Political EconomyMycenaean era archaeologyMinoan ReligionMinoan Archaeology
This volume This volume has its origin in a similarly entitled session organised at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists in Barcelona in 2018. The specific aim of both the session and this volume was to... more
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      Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeologyMinoan ArchaeologyHistory of ancient Thrace
Alleged "Aegean migrations" have long been seen as underlying major transformations in lifeways and identity in the Balkans in the 12 th-11 th centuries BC. Revisiting the material culture and settlement changes in the north-south... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age Archaeology
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Kinyras: The Divine Lyre is also available online through the CHS website: The web version, however, does not have page numbers, so that internal... more
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      PhilologyReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionSumerian Religion
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)Pottery (Archaeology)
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      Mediterranean prehistoryState FormationArchaeological Method & TheorySocial Archaeology
This article (in Dutch) evaluates the evidence for Mycenaean participation in Royal Gift Exchange, focusing especially the relation between the King of Mycenae and the Great Kings of Egypt and Hatti). It argues that the Mycenaean world... more
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      Aegean Egyptian InterrelatlationsMycenaean era archaeologyAegean Archaeology
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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Greek ArchaeologyAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeology
Gout is a very old disease, which exists for thousands of years. The first descriptions interpreted as the symptoms of gout can be found already in the Egyptian medical papyri dating to the 3rd mill. BC. In the Ancient world, many... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyHistory of MedicineHistory of Science
Theme: Interpreting the archaeological record: artefacts, humans and landscapes The political geography of western Anatolia in the LBA, and the region's interaction with its neighbours, in particular the Balkan Whilst we know of numerous... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Prehistoric Western AnatoliaAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      EgyptologyEgyptian ArchaeologyEmbodimentMycenaean era archaeology
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      GeoarchaeologyMycenaean era archaeologyAegean ArchaeologyMortuary archaeology
The performance of funerary ritual is one of the hallmarks of the Mycenaean period. The materiality and performative aspects have often been lost in typologies and classificatory approaches concerned with the identity and status of the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyAegean Prehistory (Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeology
Often, contemporary archaeological research is adapted to fit antiquated notions of time and place. This is a development demonstrated atop the Mycenaean acropolis and throughout the surrounding landscape. This paper explores the temporal... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryGreek Archaeology
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      Funerary ArchaeologyMycenaean era archaeologyMortuary archaeologyMortuary Practices
How to download Sir Arthur Evan’s Scripta Minoa, Volumes 1 & 2, (Linear B), in their entirety: Until recently, anyone searching for Scripta Minoa could download the files from Heidelberg University. But it is no longer possible to do so... more
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      LanguagesDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
A (Dutch) publication of a lecture held at Gent University, in the Fall of 2014. It is only appropriate that the Hellenic Centre of the University of Gent, a city situated not too far away from the trenches of the Great War dedicates... more
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      Anatolian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyMycenaean era archaeology
The article is devoted to significance of metallurgy of bronze, delivering of copper and tin into Aegean and consumption of bronze in Mycenaean centers of the Late Bronze Age. Metallurgy of bronze was vital for the formation and... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology)
A cache of artifacts, recovered in 2014 by the cultural heritage squadron of the Guardia di Finanza (Gruppo Tutela Patrimonio Archeologico of the Nucleo Polizia Tributaria di Roma), included two Mycenaean stirrup jars among the pottery... more
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      ArchaeologyLevantine ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyMycenaean era archaeology
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      Mycenaean era archaeologyAegean ArchaeologyMinoan and Mycenaean economy and administrationMinoan and Mycenaean Architecture and Urbanism
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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeologyMediterranean archaeologyMinoan Archaeology
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      Mysteries (Greek Religion)Mycenaean era archaeologyMystery CultsAncient Mysteries
Keywords: archaeophysiology, archaeology, physiology, physical performance, tactical athletes, panoply, armor, armour, ancient swordsmanship, battle, combat, combat stimulation, battle mode, Bronze Age, Homer’s “Iliad”, weapon use, sword,... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyHomerExercise Physiology
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      Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeologyAegean Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyGreek HistoryOttoman History
Los micénicos son los griegos del segundo milenio a.C. Su aparición en la historia puede fecharse en torno al 1600 a.C. y su desaparición en torno al 1180 a.C. Toman su nombre de la ciudad de Micenas, cuyos restos arqueológicos... more
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      Mycenaean era archaeologyMycenaeanMinoan and Mycenaean economy and administrationMycenaean Greek
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      HistoryAncient HistoryNear Eastern ArchaeologyHomer
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      Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeologyAegean Late Bronze Age
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    • Mycenaean era archaeology
The performance of Mycenaean funerary rites involved a number of different settings. Some of these are clear from the evidence (tomb, cemetery); others may be inferred (place of preparation and perhaps exposition of the corpse; the... more
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      Mediterranean prehistoryFunerary ArchaeologyAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Death and Burial (Archaeology)
Dieses Buch präsentiert 200 Objekte aus dem antiken Griechenland, die in Museen der ganzen Welt ausgestellt sind. Sie veranschaulichen den Reichtum der antiken griechischen Kultur und bringen sie dem Leser näher. Die hier beschriebenen... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHellenistic HistoryNeolithic Archaeology
Wino jest najstarszym znanym alkoholem. Prawdopodobnie było również pierwszą dostępną człowiekowi używką. Na terenie Egei już od wczesnej epoki brązu wino osiągnęło ważna pozycje jako składnik diety, ofiara, czy półprodukt w... more
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      DietBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeology
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      Mycenaean era archaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyAncient WarfareChariot in the Ancient Near East
Vpád morských národov do priestoru starovekého sveta neustále láka pozornosť bádateľov. Je to jeden z najpozoruhodnejších a najtragickejších komplexov udalostí v dejinách ľudstva. Nešlo iba o inváziu bojovníkov na dané územie. Do pohybu... more
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      Ancient HistoryMigrationPalestineHittite
Beads made out of faience appear in various shapes which are rarely very characteristic for a single period or region. The so-called openwork bead (also called lantern bead) of the Late Bronze Age may represent an exception because of its... more
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      Mycenaean era archaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyMediterranean archaeologyAncient Glass
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      Mycenaean era archaeologyMycenaean JewelleryMycenaean Tombs
The Dendra panoply was originally discovered by Professor Paul Åström and Dr Nicolaos Verdelis, in tomb 12 in Argolis/Greece, near Midea citadel and is dated on LHIIB period. Since it is considered the first complete set of body armor... more
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      HomerBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age ArchaeologyAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)
The paper analyzes the design principles involved in the construction of the 13th century BC Lions Gate at Mycenae. It is shown that this design involves Basic Geometry, namely three circles, an isosceles (quite possibly meant to be... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureMycenaean era archaeologyHattusa
Ever since the art of the Aegean world first became accessible, its distinctive ornamental designs have been much admired. The floral and foliate motifs and the spiral and circular patterns, which seem to be the essence of Minoan and... more
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      Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeologyMinoan art and archaeologyMinoan iconography
In 2015, an intaglio gem was discovered in Pylos (Messenia, Greece) from the beginning of the Late Bronze Age with a scene of two warriors in combat. This representation is part of a group of similar images on seals. The analysis of these... more
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      Political ElitesWar and societyEpic poetryMycenaean era archaeology
The presence of imported and locally produced Mycenaean pottery in western Anatolia has long caught the attention of scholars and various explanatory models have been proposed to explain the apparent attractiveness of the pottery. In most... more
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      Anatolian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Prehistoric Western Anatolia
La sociedad griega mantuvo siempre una marcada diferenciación de roles femeninos y masculinos, lo cual tuvo una enorme influencia en la creación de su espacio mitológico. Las mujeres que transgredían el modelo establecido y aceptado... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreHistory
On the origin of the Homeric word for bath: Asaminthos. On the meaning and etymology of the archaic Greek word ἀσάμινθος, meaning « bathtub », which occurs eleven times in Homer. As a legitimate Mycenaean word (a-sa-mi-to) for a kind of... more
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      HomerMycenaean era archaeologyMycenaean
Predložená publikácia je druhou zo štvordielnej vysokoškolskej učebnice „Úvod do štúdia klasickej archeológie“, ktorej ďalšie časti budú vychádzať postupne. Prvý diel obsahuje definíciu, chronologický rámec, dejiny bádania, pramene,... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyMycenaean era archaeologyMinoan Archaeology
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      ArchitectureMycenaean era archaeologyPorts
The paper examines whether Attica was a unified Mycenaean state in the LBA or a politically fragmented region.
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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Mycenaean era archaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyAegean Late Bronze Age
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      Cultural StudiesMycenaean era archaeologyBronze and Iron Ages in Eastern Mediterranean (Archaeology)Minoan Archaeology