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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceSouth African Politics and Society
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      ReligionMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
Regardless of its military might, the current availability of powerful, easily-concealed weapons makes it difficult for any nation to ensure peace at home or abroad. Moreover, there is growing concern that fear-based strategies of defense... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyPsychologyMilitary Science
Dernière édition de "Mes Rêveries" de Maurice de Saxe complétée par un choix de textes provenant de la vaste correspondance du maréchal français. On trouvera également une remarquable préface de Jean-Paul Charnay.
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      European HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryMilitary Science
NOW OUT OF PRINT Title: Prussian Napoleonic Landwehr Infantry and Cavalry 1813-15: Landsturm, Volunteer Cavalry and Streifkorps Publisher: Partizan Press Pages: 224 pages and over 380 colour illustrations. This is the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceNapoleonic Wars19th Century German History
From the Foreword by Colonel Walter J. Boyne, USAF (Ret.) "Written in a brisk, accessible style, this encyclopedia provides a collective description of the principle weapons systems of the United States at the most definitive juncture of... more
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      Military ScienceCataloguingEncyclopedismWeaponology
From Sundials to Sun Compasses. The theory which allowed the reconversion of  the Horizontal Analemmatic Sundials to Universal Sun Compasses, that were used to substitute the Magnetic Compasses in locations where they are unusable..
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceHistory of ScienceHistory of scientific instruments
This paper addresses gaps in current US Army doctrine regarding planning during the execution of operations. This paper suggests a model that tactical (BN - DIV) planning staff personnel can use to meet planning requirements in... more
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Military Orders
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      Military ScienceArt of WarHistory of Warfare and Military Thought
This study examines the role of political factors in attitudes toward World War II in contemporary Ukraine. The question under examination is which factors determine public views of the principal warring sides and their leaders in... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryPolitical Sociology
Presentation and new research (2017)
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      Military ScienceInternational RelationsInternational LawPolitical Violence and Terrorism
The texts "About the rhythm in military art", "About the gaze in military art", and "About the attitude of the spirit in military art" by the notorious samurai Miyamoto Musashi, are part of his book, known in English as the "Book of the... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
The Cossacks earned an impressive reputation during the Napoleonic Wars. They were loathed for their "barbarism" and feared as fierce warriors. This book enlightens the reader about the fascinating history of these troops, the uniforms,... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary Science
Most quarters of the Allied camp greeted the fall of Tobruk on 21 June 1942 with incredulity. The epitome of a heroic defence conducted the year before had now deteriorated into a military debacle, resulting in thousands of Allied... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
Influence and persuasion are gaining increased attention in warfare, but often social psychology approaches remain underused or neglected while this academic field has provided useful insights into this approach, especially as a... more
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)CommunicationInfluence
An investigation into the USS Nimitz UAP case from 2004. SCU published this report on our two year investigation into the incident.
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      PhysicsMilitary ScienceInvestigationMiltary Aviation
The surrender of Tobruk70 years ago was a major catastrophe for the Allied war effort, considerably weakening their military position in North Africa, as well as causing political embarrassment to the leaders of South Africa and the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)Strategy (Military Science)
Sidi Rezegh and Tobruk are the largest disasters suffered by South Africa in its military history. Yet, despite their enormity, Sidi Rezegh and Tobruk are little understood and hardly remembered. South Africa declared war on Germany on... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)
War used to be easy to define. Once, we could say with confidence whether we were at war or peace. If the former, we could identify with whom we were fighting and where the front was. Americans, in particular, have for a long time had the... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)War Studies
מאמר זה מבקש לתאר ולהגדיר את תפיסת התכסית האנושית, שהתפתחה בצבא האמריקאי לאור ניסיונו באפגניסטן ובעיראק. המאמר יעמוד על הסיבות שהובילו את הצבא האמריקאי לפתח תפיסה זאת; יתמקד בתשתית התיאורטית ובזיקות שבין התכסית האנושית לבין מודיעין תרבותי... more
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      Military ScienceMilitary IntelligencePeace and Conflict StudiesTerrorism
This is an abstract of a presentation I gave at the 46th Symposium of The International Committee for the History of Technology,  Katowice, Poland, 22 – 27 July 2019.
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      Military ScienceIsrael StudiesWar StudiesIsrael/Palestine
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryMilitary HistoryIntellectual History
Artykuł ukazuje zagrożenie operacjami informacyjno-psychologicznymi jako podstawowy element prowadzenia walki informacyjnej. W tekście stawiana jest teza, że katalog prowadzonych wrogich działań staje się głównym narzędziem prowadzonej... more
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      Military ScienceIntelligenceGeopoliticsWar Studies
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceIsrael StudiesUnderground Archaeology
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      Military SciencePeace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesPolitical Science
Many academics and policy-makers have misunderstood or ignored this trinity, however, and in different ways. Firstly, the the trinitarian analysis is a tool, not a ‘formula’ or doctrine, 3 secondly the trinity of the state – the... more
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)War StudiesClausewitz
The 15-16th century is new era in the Hungarian history, when due to the West-European ideological and political changes, and the Turkish conquest in the Balkan, the Hungarian thinking on the justification of warfare changed. Because of... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary EthicsJust War Theory
The Cultural Strategy of the Multinational Coalition from the Theatre of Operations Afghanistan is focused on the strengthening the collaboration and the cultural knowledge in between the participants, aiming to increase the efficiency of... more
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      Military ScienceCulture StudiesCultural Differences
- Az utolsó akadály is elhárult az elől, hogy az Egyesült Államok kormánya mesterlövészpuskákat és páncéltörő rakétarendszert szállítson Ukrajnának, miután 2018. március 1-jén a külügyminisztérium is jóváhagyta a szállításokról szóló... more
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      Russian StudiesMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Ukraine
Norway has based its security on aid from great military powers, and is therefore a useful site for examining the idea of complicit masculinities: a position that benefits from the current social order, and thus complying with dominant... more
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      Military ScienceGenderMasculinityNational Identity
Fortunately, there is a science-based approach that can protect Pakistan from both internal and external threats. It is appropriately termed, Invincible Defence Technology (IDT), because it assures invincibility, peace and even economic... more
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      Political SociologySocial PsychologyMilitary ScienceMilitary Intelligence
Today several nations utilise risk based approaches in military planning. However, the discussion on limitations with the approaches in regard to aspects such as uncertainties, the nature of the threat and risk to civilians is limited.... more
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      Military ScienceOperations ResearchRisk ManagementOperational Research
The paper offers analysis of the discourses on the Great War (World War I) and of the practices of the culture of remembrance in interwar Lithuania. The research addresses the scope and the nature of literary fiction dealing with the... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceWar Studies
The Azerbaijani military portal recently published information about Baku acquiring French ASTER 30-SAMP/T and VL MICA air-defense missile systems. A representative of the company producing these missile... more
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      Russian StudiesMilitary ScienceRussian Foreign PolicyCaucasus
Discussion of the importance of water in environmental security, implications for military operations and strategy, and how civilian university research can cooperate with sustainability and security efforts. Written with Shannon O'Lear... more
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      Military ScienceEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental SecurityWater Security
Un aspect particulier de la Première Guerre mondiale, les mécanismes de collaboration entre Alliés dans le domaine (alors encore expérimental) des chars de combat.
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      European HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyMilitary HistoryMilitary Science
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      ManagementMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary Intelligence
The public exposure of the Sukhoi/KnAAPO T-50/I-21/Article 701 PAK-FA or Перспективный Авиационный Комплекс Фронтовой Авиации following the 29th January, 2010, test flight has provided sufficient high resolution imagery, video camera... more
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      Military ScienceAircraft DesignAerodynamic design of aircraftStrategy military science
This article surveys American eye prosthetics during the World Wars beginning with the shortage of glass eyes during the First World War. It also looks at attempts to address prosthetic eye needs in the Second World War through the... more
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      American HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyMilitary HistoryMilitary Science
A biztonság fogalma jelentősen átalakult az elmúlt évtizedekben. A kétpólusú világrend felbomlott, többpólusúvá vált és régi biztonságpolitikai kihívások helyett újak jelentek meg, melyek váratlanabbak, bizonytalanabbak,... more
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      Military ScienceIntelligenceCounter IntelligenceLaw Enforcement
Brochure from the exhibit opening. (September 2019)
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      Military ScienceBlack/African DiasporaLandscape ArchitectureVirtual Worlds
איראן רוצה להחזיר את גדולתה של האימפריה הפרסית ולשחזר את עוצמתה הימית שאפיינה אותה בעבר הרחוק. כוחה הימי אמור גם להרתיע את ארה"ב ומדינות סוניות מפני התקפה נגדה וניסיונות לסכל את תכנית הגרעין הצבאית והטילים הבליסטיים שלה.
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Iranian StudiesThe Persian Gulf
Jelen elemzés nem tükrözi sem a nyugati, sem az ukrán, sem az orosz hivatalos álláspontot az ukrán válság ügyében. Szakértői elemzés, amelyik a realitásokat helyezi előtérbe. Nem cél „politikailag korrekt” álláspont kialakítása.
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      Russian StudiesMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Sociology of the Military
Genezy obrony totalnej (total defence) należy szukać u klasyków myśli wojskowej. Carl von Clauzewitz poświęcił uwagę możliwości zaangażowania ludności cywilnej w wojnę prowadzoną przez państwo, odnotowując, że jest to potencjał, który... more
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      Military ScienceDoctrine (Military Science)Tactics (Military Science)War Studies
Chapter 10, 'Conclusion' in Vikrant Deshpande (ed.), Hybrid Warfare: The Changing Character of Conflict, New Delhi: IDSA and Pentagon Press, 2018.
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      Military ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Defence and Strategic StudiesSecurity and Defence Studies
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      HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)International Relations
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      Military ScienceNATO’s Relations with New Members and Partners: Contributions to Peacekeeping, Counterterrorism and Humanitarian MissionsMilitary and Security assistanceUnited States Armed Forces
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      Chemical EngineeringMilitary HistoryChemistryMilitary Science
Wchodząc w kontakt z przedstawicielem innej kultury, spotykamy się jednocześnie z indywidualnym człowiekiem, który może prezentować odmienny od typowego dla danej grupy stylu zachowania lub wpisywać się całkowicie w znane nam stereotypy... more
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      Cultural StudiesMilitary ScienceInternational RelationsInternational Security