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      Constitutional LawEuropean integrationFundamental Rights
This book explores the implications of European and Eurasian integration projects for the constitutional orders of post-Soviet countries. On the one hand, the process of Eurasian integration, culminating in the establishment of the... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean integrationPost-Soviet StudiesEuropean Union Law
Nel dibattito politico e scientifico ricorre periodicamente l'ipotesi di sostituire in tutto o in parte il sistema del voto con il sistema del sorteg-gio. Il saggio indaga le premesse di tale ipotesi e le resistenze teoriche e pratiche... more
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      Constitutional LawDemocratic Theory
The concept of ‘shared sovereignty’ is examined as a contribution to the debate on reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in Canada and Australia. The discussion includes some commentary on some common features of the reconciliation... more
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      Constitutional LawTruthComparative Constitutional LawReconciliation
Since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement on December 14th in Paris 1995, the political but also general social scene of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been overwhelmed with the issues of reforms and changes in regard to the... more
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      European StudiesConstitutional LawEuropean integrationBalkan Studies
La existencia simultánea de decisiones municipales y centralizadas acerca de la pandemia de COVID-19 da cuenta de una cierta tensión institucional con respecto a la policía sanitaria. Esta fricción no es nueva, sino que constituye un... more
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      Constitutional LawChileAdministrative LawDerecho Administrativo
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      Constitutional LawPolitical ScienceUnited KingdomOmbudsman
It is increasingly evident that, in the digital context, the principles underlying the rule of law are under stress. The presentation will start from one of the cornerstones of the principle of the rule of law and of constitutional law,... more
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      Constitutional LawRule of LawPublic and private spheresDigital Constitutionalism
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural Studies
Se la struttura sociale assume un volto sempre più frammentato e quasi disarticolato, il ruolo delle istituzioni rappresentative non può più essere quello di imporre politiche, ma deve divenire, invece, quello di discutere le politiche,... more
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      Constitutional LawPolicy Analysis/Policy StudiesPolicy Analysis and Decision MakingParliamentary Studies
Faculty Seminar
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawLaw and Religion
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawInternational LawReligion and Politics
La constitution française en instaurant par la révision du 23 juillet 2008 la question préjudicielle de constitutionnalité (QPC) complète un contrôle de constitutionnalité des lois jusque là en retrait en regard des standards européens de... more
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      Constitutional LawDroit Constitutionnelbloc de constitutionnalité e QPC
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      Constitutional LawCivil LawPhilosophy Of LawCivil Procedure
This whole pleading is worth reading. In my opinion the litigant's anger is justified.
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      Constitutional LawPhilosophy Of LawPolitical CorruptionCorruption
¿Continúa siendo el reformismo y sus formas de organización y reivindicación una opción válida para generar Progreso, entendido como ampliación de los derechos y la igualdad? El reformismo fue útil para generar Progreso en el viejo... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical TheoryPolitical ScienceState Theory
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawEquality and DiversityPublic Policy
This paper deals with the relation between God and the secular legal systems of Western liberal democracies. It provides a normative argument for the compatibility of God and secular legal reasoning. In our age, in which believing in God... more
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      Canon LawConstitutional LawPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
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      Constitutional LawEuropean ConstitutionalismPopulismComparative Constitutional Law
Soziale Medien haben unser Kommunikationsverhalten entscheidend verändert. Im Zuge dieser Veränderung begegenen uns bekannte Herausforderungen wie Radikalisierung oder Hassrede in neuer Intensität. Zusätzlich tun sich bislang unbekannte... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsFree SpeechPsychology and Law
Die digitale Revolution lässt vielfach die Einlösung des Versprechens vermissen, einen offenen Marktplatz des Meinungsaustausches zu schaffen. An die Stelle der etablierten Torwächter sind Algorithmen getreten, die bekannte Präferenzen... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical TheoryHuman RightsFree Speech
Since 1976, the VSBO disciplinary board has been only a body oF unauthorized individuals with no judicial authority created by fiat by the Supreme Court of Virginia. Current research and evidence supports that Supreme Court of Virginia... more
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      Constitutional LawLegal EducationLegal ProfessionCritical Legal Theory
Curatela con Leonardo Pace, Giuliano Serges, Cecilia Siccardi, Pietro Villaschi, Atti del Seminario del Gruppo di Pisa, Milano, 26 marzo 2021, 2021, pp. VIII+856
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawDerecho constitucionalDiritto Costituzionale Comparato
Nine characters are cast into a set of circumstances that cannot be explained but with which those individuals must engage. The fate of humanity rides on what they do. Their task is to come to grips with the issue of self-governance.... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical PhilosophyEthicsSovereignty
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesConstitutional Law
The Constitution of Kenya of 2010 adopts a bicameral legislative structure, within a devolved system of governance, consisting of the National Assembly and the Senate. In keeping with the devolved structure of government, the Senate’s... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative FederalismConstitutional CourtsKenyan Law
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      Constitutional LawPolitical TheoryComparative Constitutional LawAdministrative Law
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawConstitutionalismDireito Constitucional
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      Constitutional LawIrish Constitutional LawAdministrative LawProcedural fairness
In Constitutional and Administrative Law, the authors draw upon their extensive teaching and research experience to provide a contemporary and engaging account of the key topics which make up a typical Constitutional & Administrative or... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawPublic Law
The projected inclusion of the subsidiarity principle and the margin of appreciation doctrine in the preamble to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is a legal turn that deserves special attention. Is it a welcomed reform which... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsSubsidiarityLegal Theory
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      Constitutional LawPublic Law
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      Critical TheoryConstitutional LawMarxismInternational Law
Ky vendim është kontrolli kushtetues incidental që kam inicuar në Gjykatën e Apelit Durrës me cilësinë e gjyqtarit a quo mbi nenin 154/a të Kodit të Procedurës Civile. Përmes tij kam kërkuar në Gjykatën Kushtetuese që të shfuqizohet... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsCivil Procedure
O advento de um novo Código de Processo Civil provoca discussões sobre as mais diversas questões. Uma delas diz respeito à mudança dos limites objetivos da coisa julgada, agora estendida para as questões prejudiciais incidentais em alguns... more
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      Constitutional LawCivil ProcedureDireito Processual CivilDireito Constitucional
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      Constitutional LawPolitical TheoryNatural LawRealism (Political Science)
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      Constitutional LawLaw and SocietyPhilosophy Of Law
BEKTOSOL Final Conference
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawComparative Public LawComparative Constitutional Law
A key focus of much scholarly attention is on the (theoretical) relationship between legal orders. The practical question I intend to answer in this article is the following: how can we know who has the final say – international, European... more
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      Constitutional LawEuropean LawInternational LawLegal Theory
在国家荣誉制度的立法过程中,应对其政治理念、宪法规范与宪制功能有深入的理论认知。国家荣誉不能异化为政治特权,只能是依据个人贡献与德性而获得褒奖。荣誉制度作为连接国家与公民的政治纽带,一方面强化公民与国家之间的政治归属关系,促成政治认同与社会动员;另一方面代表国家对于公民的教化与规训,经由塑造英模以达成特定的国家目标。在中国宪法的文本中,设置了国家荣誉与个人荣誉的“双重主体结构”与实现路径,国家荣誉构成个人荣誉的前提和基础,服务于国家任务的实现。与此同时,国家荣誉制度兼具重要的... more
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    • Constitutional Law
Apresentação do livro Fugas e Variações sobre o Transconstitucionalismo. Utilizando o Transconstitucionalismo como partitura de suporte, os capítulos apresentados alternam características de fugas e variações musicais. Ora trazem... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawDireito Constitucional
Enrique Santiago Petracchi integró la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación a lo largo de más de treinta años, puntualmente, desde que fue designado como ministro del tribunal en el año 1983 con el retorno de la democracia, durante el... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawDerecho constitucionalConstitutional Courts
«La Costituzione italiana. Commento articolo per articolo» (Il Mulino, 2018) da oggi è in libreria. Si tratta di un lavoro curato insieme con i colleghi Lorenzo Cuocolo , Francesca Rosa e Giulio Enea Vigevani , e che ha chiamato a... more
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawDiritto CostituzionaleDiritto Pubblico Comparato
This study seeks to analyze the cutting edge aspects concerning the application of public international law since the beginning of the 21 st century in Brazil. It focuses on court decisions and national doctrine vis-à-vis the... more
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      Constitutional LawInternational LawHuman RightsDireito Constitucional
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceConstitutional LawJournalism
The aim of this Article is to re-conceptualize the debate about the (theoretical) relationship between international and national law, which has been debated for centuries. Generally, the floor is divided between dualism as developed by... more
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      Constitutional LawLegal TheoryPhilosophy Of LawComparative Constitutional Law
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      European StudiesConstitutional LawEuropean LawHuman Rights
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      Constitutional LawJudicial PoliticsIrish Constitutional LawJudicial Appointments
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      Comparative LawConstitutional LawEuropean integrationEuropean Law
Malgré le récent amendement de 2011 qu’a connu la Constitution haïtienne, il a été présenté au grand public le 29 mars 2017 une commission spéciale sur l’amendement de la constitution au niveau de la Chambre des députés. Le but principal... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative PoliticsPolitical ScienceComparative Constitutional Law