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      Greek ArchaeologyAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryCairns
A recent archival research project in the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) identified artifacts and human remains associated with the 1980 excavation of stone cairns and habitation areas on the west side of Lake Turkana. The presence of... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySpatial StatisticsCeramics (Archaeology)
The authors challenge the cairnfield formation model developed by Timothy Ives, Ph.D. and described in his 2015 article "Cairnfields in New England's Forgotten Pastures." This challenge paper argues that the key components of the model... more
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      ArchaeologyNative American (History)CairnsStone Structures
This is the first unabridged English translation of Leibniz's Nova methodus discendae docendaeque jurisprudentiae, with notes and introduction by C.M. de Iuliis and Preface by. W. Butler
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      CairnsBoucherBergerJ. Du Plessis
This volume reports cultural resource survey and testing along the shoreline of Wilson Lake, Kansas, performed in June and July, 1985. The survey documented 95 sites. There are 58 historic components including petroglyphs, building... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeomorphologyHistorical Archaeology
Rock piles are some of the most ambiguous features encountered in cultural resource management, encompassing diverse origins and functions (e.g. field clearance cairns, byproducts of road construction, and Native American burials or... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyCairnsStacked Rock Features
A Native American ceremonial site can contain some or all of the following types of structures: Stone Cairns; Enclosures: Niches; Niche-Shafts; Miniature Chambers; Standing Stones; Manitou Stones; Pedestal/Perched/Rocking/Balanced Stones;... more
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      Native American StudiesArchaeologyCairnsCeremonialism
Zuckermann, Ghil'ad and Walsh, Michael 2011. ‘Stop, Revive, Survive!: Lessons from the Hebrew Revival Applicable to the Reclamation, Maintenance and Empowerment of Aboriginal Languages and Cultures’, Australian Journal of Linguistics... more
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      Cultural HistorySociologyAnthropologyDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)
Rock piles are some of the most ambiguous features encountered in the Upper Ohio Valley, encompassing diverse origins and functions. A single pile can appear to be consistent with multiple interpretations and each interpretation carries... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyOhio ValleyCultural Resource Management (Archaeology)
Moya-Maleno, P.R. (2017): “Majanos y difuntos: túmulos en la Hispania Céltica desde una perspectiva de Larga Duración”, en M. Almagro-Gorbea y A. Gari Lacruz (eds.): Sacra Saxa: Creencias y ritos en peñas sagradas. Actas del Coloquio... more
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      Celtic StudiesEthnoarchaeologyEthnographyCeltic Archaeology
Informe técnico. Conos de piedra en el cerro Negro, departamento de Lavalleja.
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      Cairnsconos de piedraSierras de Lavallejacairnes
The Spir Mountain Cairns are two exceptionally well preserved Bronze Age cairns in Ångermanland, Norrland, Sweden. This is by all means a prehistoric site that deserves more attention. Most of Sweden's cairns are dated to the Bronze Age.... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age ArchaeologyConservation of archaeological stone monumentsBronze Age Europe
In the following paper, an attempt is made to form a model to explain the location of late prehistoric sites in the Flint Hills area of the Central Plains. To achieve this, early journals and historic records describing the Native... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPlains ArchaeologyNative American AnthropologyNative American (History)
Exploration undertaken in Al-Thulaythuwat/Jabal Kabd area in the framework of the Southeastern Badia Archaeological Project identified an extensive funerary phenomenon dating back to the Late Neolithic or a transitional Late... more
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      Mortuary archaeologyFunerary PracticesLate NeolithicCairns
Kurganda Sadak
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      Traditional ArcheryCairnsQuiver
During several periods from 1984 to 1986, a pedestrian survey of the upper Deep Creek Drainage, in Riley, Geary and Wabaunsee Counties of Kansas, was performed. The project area is in the northern Flint Hills, a few miles south of... more
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      ArchaeologyPlains ArchaeologyAncient QuarryingPrehistoric Archeology
This was a very productive field survey of an area of upland adjacent to Dunmail Raise, an axial crossing point of the mountains of the Lake District. It was carried out as part of a project to consider the use and significance of the... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyCumbriaArchaeology of the English Lake District and Cumbria
This paper emphasizes the landscape as a key factor in the long-term standing of one of Norway's largest prehistoric burial grounds: the Iron Age cemetery of Hereid, located in the village of Eidfjord in the Hardanger region. A recent... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyFunerary Archaeology
Informe técnico. Cairnes en predio del Instituto Nacional del Colonización, departamento de Paysandú.
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      Cairnsconos de piedracairnes
Ridderstad, M. (2017). Orientations of Late Neolithic to Bronze Age and Iron Age long cairns in coastal Finland. Culture and Cosmos 21(1), 73-86.
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Suite à l’évolution de la science, les disciplines entament de nouvelles orientations dont certaines s’inscrivent dans le paradigme de la complexité. De ce fait, il devient opportun d’étudier la possibilité que les sciences sociales... more
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      Social SciencesOpen SourceCairnsGoogle Scholar
A cairn field was excavated at the divide between Nahal Mitnan and Wadi el-Halufi in the western Negev Highlands, 3-7 km east of 'Ain el Qudeirat, as part of a rescue excavation project along the border road between Israel and Egypt. The... more
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      CairnsArqueología Uruguayahighlands archaeology
Moya-Maleno, P.R. (2016): “Sacra Saxa: Creencias y ritos en peñas sagradas. Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses - Gabinete de Antigüedades de la Real Academia de la Historia. Huesca, 25-27 de noviembre de 2016”, en Complutum, 27(2).... more
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      ArchaeologyComparative LiteratureAnthropologyFolklore
A recent archival research project in the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) identified artifacts and human remains associated with the 1980 excavation of stone cairns and habitation areas on the west side of Lake Turkana. The presence of... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySpatial AnalysisSpatial Ecology
Two trails are reported here. One ran along the crest of the Flint Hills from Oklahoma to Nebraska. The other led from Pawnee villages in central Nebraska to the Great Bend of the Arkansas River. Both of these trails, and others in the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPrehistoryKansas History
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyMegalithic MonumentsMegaliths (Archaeology)Mediterranean archaeology
One of the most recent structures identified so far in the ditched enclosure of Perdigões will be presented, allowing one to discuss intentionality, functionality and chaining issues. This context, dating from the last quarter of the 3rd... more
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      Bell Beakers (Archaeology)PerdigõesSocial PracticesCairns
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      ArqueologíaCairnsPatrimonioComunicación y divulgación de la ciencia
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      Creative IndustriesVisual ArtsCairnsArtistic Careers
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      Contemporary ArtVideo Game TheoryDrawingAngry Birds
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      HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyMiddle East History
This article examines the convergence of amateur and professional documentary practice, particularly photographic self-portraiture, as it is performed on the mountainside. It uses a tight selection of examples drawn from the community of... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesPhotographyPerformance Studies
Nova Scotia’s only monument to any group of Germans who settled in the province is located in a rural area of Annapolis County. On the corner of the Purdy Road and the Waldeck Line Road,a few kilometres East of Bear River, is located a... more
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      Nova Scotia HistoryCairnsMonumentsNova Scotia
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      CairnsArqueología Uruguaya
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      CairnsMiddle Bronze Age SyriaJebel Bishri Syria
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      DarwinCairnsNewcastleCentral Coast
In August 2016, the In-Africa Project, which focuses on the palaeo-environment and human occupation of West Turkana during the late Quaternary (, encountered a stone platform and cairn whilst surveying an area... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeographyArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
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      CairnsAnálisis LíticoArqueología Uruguaya
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      Arqueología del PaisajeCairnsArqueología Uruguaya
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      Medieval ArchaeologyCairns
Örnsköldsviks kommun. 2014. Information om visning och föredrag. Carl L. Thunberg. '''Spirbergsrösena: En majestätisk fornlämningsplats i Örnsköldsvik''.
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      ArchaeologyBronze AgeCairnsLater Stone Age
Saidel, B. A. 2014 Suggestions for Future Research In Saidel, B.A. and Haiman, M. (eds.), Excavations in the Western Negev Highlands: Results of the Negev Emergency Survey 1978-1989. Pp. 177-184. BAR International Series 2684. Oxford:... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyArchaeological Site Formation ProcessesChronologySinai
Örnsköldsviks kommun. Annonsering på kommunens hemsida. Arkeologidagen söndag 31 augusti. Visning av "Spirbergsrösena" av arkeologen och historikern Carl L. Thunberg söndag 31 augusti 2014.
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      ArchaeologyBronze AgeCairnsLater Stone Age
The history of prehistoric monument building on the coast of central Västerbotten is put into the perspective of the environmental history of the region to find out if the society constructing these monuments based its activity on... more
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      Environmental ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)MonumentalityCairns
The Norse settlements of the North Atlantic are located in dramatic landscapes, often a single farmstead at a time, sitting alone in a terrain devoid of cultural markers and monuments. This article attempts to explore how a sense of home... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyCultural LandscapesMedieval ArchaeologySocial Production of Space
La valorisation de l'eau, levier du développement et de la création d'emplois : cas des activités agricoles dans la région de Jendouba en Tunisie Par Luwawu kalemba Nathan (Luwawu K.N) Résumé : La notion de la valeur tel que abordée en... more
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      Social SciencesAgricultural EconomicsCairnsProQuest
Within the framework of the Negev Emergency Survey, an area of 450 km2 in the western Negev Highlands was surveyed. Hundreds of cairns were discovered in 1500 sites. This article deals with dating the cairns and with questions regarding... more
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    • Cairns
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMortuary archaeologyFunerary Practices