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САЖЕТАК: Банат је још од најранијих времена био насељен српским и румунским становништвом, које је до краја XVIII века имало одређену етничку границу – Срби су насељавали, већином, западни (низијски) а Румуни источни (планински) део... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRomanian HistoryBanat18th Century History
Review (in Dutch) of D. Onnekink & R. De Bruin, De Vrede van Utrecht (Hilversum, 2012)
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      European HistoryInternational RelationsEarly Modern History18th Century History
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      Legal History18th Century HistorySlovene HistoryHistory of Gender and Sexuality
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      French HistoryHistory of Childhood and Youth18th Century France18th Century History
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      Rare Books and Manuscripts16th Century (History)18th Century Art17th-century European Art
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      HistoryBook HistoryHistory of the BookAtlantic World
En este libro se estudia la trayectoria de los grupos familiares de vascos y navarros que se establecieron en el comercio y las finanzas de Madrid a lo largo del siglo xviii y el primer tercio del siglo xix y las redes que formaron a su... more
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      Basque StudiesElites (Political Science)Merchant communities18th Century History
in: Damals. Das Magazin für Geschichte 7 (2018), S. 45-46.
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      Early Modern HistoryGerman HistoryBritish HistoryLegal History
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      ProtestantismDutch History18th Century HistoryNijkerker beroeringen
Tekst govori o povijesti izgradnje i opremanja župne crkve Imena Marijina u osječkom Donjem gradu u 18. stoljeću na temelju arhivskih, kartografskih, grafičkih i drugih izvora. Istraživanjima se pokazalo da je današnja građevina podignuta... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureHistory (Architecture)Habsburg Studies
As instituições de proteção social são aqui perspetivadas como ponto de confluência de crenças, sistemas doutrinários e legislativos, interesses e possibilidades. Muito para além do elenco das organizações de proteção social, que se... more
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      Portuguese History16th Century (History)History of Social WelfareHistory of Hospitals
Livro completo em três documentos. Para obter o livro integral, descarregar os três.
Full book in three documents. To get the entire book, please download all three.
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      Women's HistoryGender HistoryPortuguese HistoryEnlightenment
La battaglia, per lo studioso, non è l’evento vissuto che fu per i combattenti. La paura, il furore, la sofferenza, il massacro e l’atroce materialità dell’uccisione sono spesso banditi da narrazioni che tentano di eludere l’insondabile... more
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBattlefields18th Century History
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryRussian Studies
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      Military History18th Century History
Abordamos en el presente artículo la revisión crítica de Palestra Sagrada, o Memorial de los Santos de Córdoba, de Bartolomé Sánchez de Feria, obra de erudición histórica que recorre la estructura urbana y el entorno inmediato de la... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyHistory of Archaeology18th Century History
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      Enlightenment18th Century PhilosophyJean-Jacques RousseauJean Jaques Rousseau
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      French HistoryHistory Of Body, Time And SpaceTime Perception18th Century History
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      Eastern European historyHabsburg Studies18th Century RussiaCatherine the Great
Meghívó könyvbemutatóra - letter of invitation
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      18th Century HistoryNeolatin Studies
A Bihar vármegyébl származó debreceni polgárok beköltözési év, lakóhely és foglalkozás szerinti megoszlása (1733–1867)
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      HistoryModern HistoryCultural HistoryUrban History
This small study concerns the depiction of Frederick the Great of Prussia during the First Silesian War. Through Discourse Analysis, parts of Leopold von Rankes „Zwölf Bücher Preussischer Geschichte“ and Johann Gustav Droysens „Geschichte... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHistoryEuropean HistoryGerman History
The complete working paper series is available online at
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      Diplomatic HistoryFrench HistoryEarly Modern HistoryLegal History
The Franco-British Peace Treaty of 11 April 1713 (Utrecht) imposed on the French King the obligation to destroy the harbor and port infrastructure of Dunkirk .This problem is often seen as a mere bilateral Franco-British quarrel. However,... more
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      International RelationsFrench HistoryEarly Modern HistoryInternational Law
Construído na primeira metade do século XVIII por ordem do Rei João V, o Edifício Real de Mafra inclui um Palácio Real, um Convento e uma Basílica. No convento foram instaladas as Casas da Enfermaria para o serviço da comunidade... more
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    • 18th Century History
Jämförelser mellan tidigmodern och modern tid är ovanliga inom forskning om diplomati. Att centrala begrepp som stat och diplomat är anpassade för ett västerländskt system som egentligen inte var i funktion förrän efter 1815 motverkar... more
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      Early Modern HistoryTrustDiplomacyGlobal History
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      Brazilian StudiesBrazilian History16th Century (History)19th Century (History)
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      EnlightenmentIntellectual History of Enlightenment19th Century (History)Medical History
Kapela Majke Božje Snježne na Tekijama kod Petrovaradina jedan je od povijesno najslojevitijih spomenika arhitekture Srijema. Istodobno radi se o ključnom spomeniku vezanom za prijelomni trenutak političke povijesti ne samo Habsburške... more
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      Military HistoryArt HistoryOttoman HistoryArchitecture
Í þessari ritgerð eru dregnar saman niðurstöður rannsóknar á stofnun fyrstu íslensku almenningssafnanna á s.hl. 19. aldar. Lögð er áhersla á að tengja stofnun almenningssafna á Íslandi við mótun íslensks þjóðfélags á 19. og 20. öld og... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryNationalism
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      Serbian history19th Century (History)18th Century HistoryAustro-Hungarian History
Red. Lotta Fernstål & Charlotte Hyltén-Cavallius, 2018. År 1780 lämnade prästen Christfrid Ganander in en uppsats om ”de så kallade Tattare eller Zigeuner” till Kungliga Vitterhetsakademien i Stockholm. Den var ett bidrag till en årlig... more
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      Cultural HistoryArchivesSwedish History18th Century
The core concept of this paper was to discover the main reasons why the British Empire were the first to form a colony in the country. The main elements under examination included the overcrowding of jail cells due to convicts, naval... more
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      British HistoryNaval HistoryAustralian HistoryBritish naval history
guest lecture within the lecture series "Beyond Slavery and Freedom", University of Bonn, January 19th, 2017
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGerman HistoryHistory of Slavery
Diplomatic representation in the community of the European diplomacy of the ‘Trente heureuses’ (1713–1740). – The study of Ancien Régime public international law compels researchers to broaden the traditional scope of legal history... more
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      European HistoryInternational RelationsFrench HistoryEarly Modern History
Tenzin Peljor was born in 1760 into the Tibetan noble family of Gazhi (dga' bzhi), which is better known under the name Doring (rdo ring), and which played an important role in the politics of the Ganden Podrang era, providing cabinet... more
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      Tibetan StudiesTibetan LiteratureTibetan and Himalayan societiesBiography and Life-Writing
In the first section of the present article, entitled (I) “Classification of masks”, I accomplished a historical and hermeneutical incursion in biblical and cantemirian bestiarum and in the second part, entitled (II) “Pseudo-hybrides from... more
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      HistorySymbolism18th Century History1688 Bible
Günümüzde bilimsel çalışmada araştırılan nesnenin ve araştırmayı yürüten, nesneyi yorumlayan öznenin kimliği, bu kimliklerin konumlandırılması gibi sorunlara ilişkin tartışmalar ivme kazanmıştır. Sorunun önemi, araştırma öznesinin... more
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      Historical maps18th Century HistoryGiovanni Battista Piranesi 1720-1778
This article presents an appraisal of the political allegiances of Francis Taaffe, 3 rd Earl of Carlingford (1639-1704) by examining his career and connections in the Duchy of Lorraine during the often-overlooked reign of Leopold, Duke of... more
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      Early Modern HistoryIrish DiasporaEarly Modern EuropeTransnational History
Guest Lecture on Occasion of the Exhibition "Lichtenberg's human figurations - Characters and Stereotypes in the Göttingen Enlightenment", April 12th, 2018, Göttingen Institute for Advanced Study
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      French HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGerman HistoryBritish History
Au mois de juin 1781, Marie-Jeanne Girardot de Vermenoux, veuve Thélusson, décède subitement alors que l’hôtel particulier qu’elle faisait construire n’est pas encore achevé. Le chantier de cet édifice spectaculaire, commandé trois ans... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureEighteenth Century History
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      Legal History18th Century HistorySlovene HistoryHistory of Gender and Sexuality
Hugues R. Sánchez Mejía y Jorge Conde Calderón A partir de un pleito por tierras entre los habitantes del asiento de libres de Quilichao en la gobernación de Popayán y el... more
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      EnlightenmentHistoria Política y Social Siglos XVIII-XIX18th Century HistoryPopayán
The paper deals with the relations and the connections of the various types of outlaws and the forest during the XVIII century. The outlaws were a notorious and widespread phenomenon in Rumelia during this period, which had a certain... more
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      Ottoman HistorySouth East European StudiesBalkan StudiesOttoman Studies
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      Early Modern HistoryGerman HistoryHistory of SlaveryHuman Trafficking
This dissertation aims to show that the political history of Jacobitism is part of the cultural history of the Grand Tour and that it is visible in its literary productions of the early 18th century by using the little-studied reign of... more
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      Travel WritingEarly Modern HistoryEarly Modern Europe18th Century British Literature
In the course of the 18th century, many narratives of journeys made by the Portuguese to various parts of their empire were published. Such accounts are nowadays an important source for understanding contemporary perceptions of these... more
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      Cultural Encounters18th Century HistoryAsian Portuguese EmpireNarrative Journey
in: Karine Rance et al. (eds.): La scène de la rencontre. Altérités en dialogue de l'Antiquité à nos jours, Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 203-223. This paper deals with trafficked children in the Holy Roman... more
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      Art HistoryEarly Modern HistoryGerman HistoryAfrican History
Principles of organization of the Russian science in the XVIII century were formed generally under the influence of Michael V. Lomonosov. He hold a senior post in the administration of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. His service... more
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      Russian LiteratureRussian HistorySocial Mobility18th Century History
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      Diplomatic HistoryEastern European historyBiographyRussian History